The cutest thing in the world

Creamy hangs out at food container and wishes she was at water dispenser

Creamy hangs out at food container and wishes she was at water dispenser

Today I saw creamy the chicken was thirsty so I put her near the water bowl. She took one sip and hopped( creamy only walks on one leg as her other one got hurt a Mt. Tambourine, friend’s place. We adopted her because she couldn’t get away from the rooster who kept mating with her. Then the rooster kept mating with poor creamy and she couldn’t look after all the chicks) back over to her freshly laid egg and sat back on it. That just shows the motherly love (of creamy putting her eggs( who wasn’t fertilised anyway) needs in front of hers )that we wish some other mothers would display. Anyway, It’s a big world out there

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